Green boards are too long gone; do you see in your children school? Hope not. Moreover, modern education tools like smart devices are replacing books and notepad. By this, Children are able to access well researched and explained data/content/information on the digital screen. This is found to be most effective in learning. Modern technology like whiteboards and internet are making class sessions more interactive, communicative and most importantly effective.

What are your ideas on modern classroom technology? Do you think technology will play a major in future education? So what’s next? AI? VR? How technology like AI and VR will make a difference in the education system or learning atmosphere in the next few years?
From the research, we have come to know that students learn faster from visuals, picture, and sometimes audio. In the present era, teachers are using the media to change the classroom environment. To take this to the next level, companies like Google, Amazon and IBM are innovating technology that could help students to experience the reality of science, history, architecture, and another important subject from the classroom.
Virtual Reality-VR
When this technology was invented, everyone was fascinated with the concept and results. VR shows high graphics and content which feels like the reality that can be experienced from anywhere. Nowadays, the usage of VR has shown significant growth. On the other hand, entertainment and gaming companies, are assuming VR as the future for the business. And travel agencies are using VR to create virtual tours.
What if you could use such technology to educate students? Just imagine, student learning from VR and interacting with the outer world from the classroom and experiencing real things. This would create an opportunity for them to understand the lively hood of the people’s tradition, culture, content, and moreover, they will learn things faster. VR can be found very useful in subjects like science, physics, art, and commerce. If we talk specifically about the younger generation, every lesson can be presented to them with a graphics. This could increase their learning power. Would you like to experience the magic of VR?
Let’s have a closer look at the world of VR and the experience of children and how amazed they are with VR learning - presented by Google.
I think this would be a great way to help children understanding the reality of the subject. Moreover, the present education system is more focused on the grading system and not the subject. To change the education system, utilizing VR in the education system could make a difference.
AI Teaching Students
Whenever I am in trouble or need some information, I press my smartphone home button and ask my google assistance to help me out. And it does help me. Well I think, artificial intelligence is going to be very useful in the near future in human life.
Question for you, is AI helping you to live a smart life? Have ever used Siri, Alexa or google assistance to simplify your lifestyle?
What if we use the same concept in educating children? By this, teachers won’t have to
spend much time preparing a lesson.
AI can help students to understand the subject better and answer all their questions faster and in a better form. It can also prepare the student for the exams according to their learning capacity. This could also work like tutions or extra classes. AI can make learning more interactive between student and teacher.
Benefits of AI in Education
• The teacher can focus more on students
• Students can get AI assistance to get better answers
• Individual lesson plans from AI
• Special training on specific lessons
• Interactive sessions with students
Investing money in the smart education system can bring a good result in students learning skills. They will more be attracted to learning that we find boring at a certain age.
You have options to welcome yourself to digital learning and turn boring books and papers onto smart screens. Are you ready to opt for smart solutions for students?
To know more about making classroom cooler and taking your institute to the next level. Contact our expert today and know how you can bring changes with AI and VR classrooms.